As a company our main artistic interest lies within new writing, we are engaged in the creation of quality works which undertake several development periods. We work with a single writer at the core, but with a collaborative approach to exploring and refining work practically, with a group of artists, before it is solidified and committed in finality to the page.
Our work tends to incorporate very real and believable characters, telling very human and emotionally connected stories. Far from being entirely naturalistic however, it often includes fantastical elements or alternative worlds within which those characters reside or elements of stylised and physical performance. As a company we are interested in telling compelling stories that affect our audiences and enable us to experiment with theatrical form.
Since 2005 Shooting Fish have produced 6 new writing productions which include national tours of Rat Race and Laminated, a revised production of Laminated which undertook a 3 week residency at the Tristan Bates Theatre in London, a commissioned performance based on the life and work of Harold Pinter and recent development work on The Robot and Back Story.
An important company objective is development of theatre locally, especially the creation of new work and the development of new audiences; as well as the nurturing and support of emerging artists. We recognise the challenges of developing communities of artists and audiences in geographically challenging areas. Therefore, we strive to encourage the growth of new theatre and artists, including graduate retention in the area; fostering a community where artists can live and work.