Shooting Fish are able to offer voluntary positions and work placements for adults and young people in higher or further education who are interested in supporting or working within the theatre industry. Please contact us via email if you are interested in these opportunities.
Safer Recruitment Policy
Join Our Board
Shooting Fish are keen to attract new board members with skills and experience in strategic and business planning, income generation, theatrical touring, new writing production and cross community engagement but are equally keen to hear from enthusiastic individuals with a passion for the arts or the desire to make a difference, especially young people. We want to hear from individuals who will be committed to the organisation’s ambitions and are willing to commit the time, energy and dedication to the company and the work produced. We are open to a diverse range of skills and will value the personal and professional experience you may have to offer.
There are four board meetings per year, approx. 2 hrs long, held in Lincoln or via Skype. To register your interest, please send a CV and a covering letter, outlining your skills and experience alongside your reasons for considering this position to emily@shootingfish.co.uk
A board of directors pack, with further information, is available from Emily at the email address above.
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