About Shooting Fish
Shooting Fish are a professional new-writing theatre company with bases in Lincoln and Bristol. Originally founded by writer/director Darren Bolton in 2002 the company began in his home town of Immingham, North East Lincolnshire and was formerly incorporated in 2005. From the first production, Rat Race, to the development of experimental new work, such as Laminated, the company are committed to exploring the boundaries of creative practices; challenging and developing skills and relationships, working across disciplines and developing interesting and engaging new writing theatre production. For more information on productions see here.
One of the core ethos’ of the company is the production of new writing for and with communities, often working in areas of high deprivation, where there is little or no arts activity. We are dedicated to and passionate about using theatre for social benefit; as an educational tool, to build community cohesion, for the development of life skills, for enjoyment and well being, and to enable communities to have a platform to explore and voice issues of importance. For more information about our community engagement please see here.
Core Beliefs
- Everyone has the right to experience, take part in and enjoy arts activities;
- Artists and arts professionals should be able to explore and examine their own practises in a space that encourages risk and freedom of ideas;
- Working with new people and in new ways challenges our practise, our thinking and our work;
- Theatre should be engaging, exciting and offer audiences something new or different;
- That the work we do (production and education) should be inclusive, accessible and open to all.
Aims and Objectives
1. To advance in life and help people, particularly those experiencing deprivation and disadvantage through: (a) the provision of recreational and leisure time activities provided in the interest of social welfare, designed to improve their conditions of life and wellbeing; and (b) providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as responsible individuals.
2. To advance the education of people, particularly those living in areas of deprivation and/or facing disadvantage; in all aspects of the arts.
3. To advance the education of the public in all aspects of the arts and the development of public appreciation of such art through public sharing and dissemination.
Safeguarding Policy
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