Reconnecting Lincolnshire 

Shooting Fish have been working with the Diocese of Lincoln Board of Education to deliver the ReConnecting Lincolnshire project since 2016. The project was initiated after a number of schools across the region began to find the delivery of RE, especially in regard to the teaching of Islam increasingly challenging. A programme of creative learning with theatre at its core was therefore developed, through this work we aim for young people, parents/carers and school staff to;

  • Develop a deepened understanding of the effects of cultural, racial and religious prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. 
  • Develop a deepened understanding of a variety of cultures and faiths and how greater understanding influences individual, communal and social identities, leading to increased empathy, tolerance and respect for Britain’s diverse citizens.
  • Build new and develop existing creative skill in visual art, performance and digital media with the support of professional artists. 
  • Improve working relationships and sustainable community collaboration through new partnerships, enabling positive community change and the development of good practice. 

To date we have worked with 12 schools, written 2 new plays, delivered over 100 creative workshops and held 15 public performances. In 2020 the Reconnecting Lincolnshire project will work with 4 new schools in Boston and engage with over 30 more through the Schools Cathedral Festival during which we will perform ‘Our Place’ add link to our place with an accompanying workshop for year 6 students. 

Due to Covid19 this programme will now be a radio play and education pack. 

The education pack will be filled with lesson plans and activities which cover the following themes: Futures, Identity, Respecting Differences, Beliefs, Disagreeing Well through film, art, writing, drama, PHSE and RE activities.

For more information about this project please visit








Project Feedback

‘I feel this work is extremely important to arm our children and also the adults around them with the tools to question the fears and prejudices that in part the media has perpetuated.’

‘The play showed that despite people’s different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs,
appearance if we are honest and open to communication we can see behind the mask and reach out to truly connect with one another for a more accepting diverse and ultimately more successful and satisfying lives.’

‘When we planned a mosque trip only 32/80 were allowed to go. This work engaged a whole class and was seen by the whole of year 7 and 8. This will have a huge long term impact on the thinking of Year 7 and 8s’. 

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