D is a teenage boy who faces huge challenges due to personal tragedy, a turbulent family life and financial challenges at home.

Mental health is a huge factor for D to overcome. He has struggled, he doesn’t sleep but his project attendance has been good, and he has grown over the year.

He has shown great perseverance and a huge amount of empathy. He struggles with confidence, but he is there for the group and pushes others to realise their potential.

He fed back verbally that he’d looked forward to the final show all week and the project was the highlight of his year. He also gained a lot of knowledge about behind the scenes roles within a show & production prep through questioning which he seemed to get a lot of enjoyment from & encouraged active engagement from him. 

D didn’t really engage at the start in fact at times it was hard to gain eye contact. Now he has a lot of banter and has provided key input to the group discussions.

His speaking and listening have developed through the sessions. In the audition room he was very happy to share his thoughts and ideas which was a huge development. He isn’t afraid to speak in front of people now. He endears himself to people.